Guidelines for nature walks
Minimize the size of visitors group to less than ten
Do not stray from the group
Be aware of your capabilities and the dangers posed by the trip
Maintain a safe distance from all wildlife
Keep noise to the minimum to avoid frightening wildlife
Do not discard any foodstuff or litter the land and water bodies
Do not bring along pets to any nature park or wildlife reserve
Do not feed, touch or handle birds and animals
Do not bring non-native plants or animals into the park
Do not collect any form of fauna or flora from any sanctuary or park
Do not damage plants or extensive moss beds or lichen covered areas
Do not damage, remove or destroy historic sites or monuments, or any artifacts
Do not damage any fencepost, gate or signpost in the park
Do not disturb or frighten animals by making noises, flashing lights or making any sudden movements
In addition to above rules follow these special Guidelines
Total silence and discipline is required to spot wild animals
Small groups are preferred
Early mornings and late afternoons are the ideal time to visit forests
Do not expect to see animals all the time. Be patient
Traveling alone is prohibited especially in the wildlife reserves
Seek assistance of professional forest guard while going into the forests
Do not wear colorful clothes or perfumes. Khakis, browns or greens are best suited for wilderness treks and jungle boots are recommended for safety
Always carry drinking water
Carry a flashlight and first aid kit with medicines for common ailments
Avoid smoking
Do not disturb or tease animals, respect their habits and habitats
Do not try to explore unfamiliar things
Indigenous plant saplings may be taken and tourists should be encouraged to plant them near the campsites or on the trails
No cuttings, seeds or roots of plants should be allowed to be taken away from the sanctuaries, that is illegal in many reserves